
doc. Ing. Jan Valtera, Ph.D.

position associate prof., vice-dean
e-mail jan.valtera@tul.cz
phone +420 48535 2879
phone +420 48535 3158
office G03025, L03007
Kontakt TUL

Jan Valtera studied at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the Technical University of Liberec, in Czech Republic, where he also obtained his Ph.D. in 2014. He is currently an associate professor at the Department of Textile Machine Design and the Vice-Dean for the International and Public Affairs at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering.

In 2009-2010 he spent 12 months as a visiting scholar at the City University of London, School of Engineering and Computer Science. The main research tasks he covers relate to design of machines and devices for production of nanomaterials, simulation of electric and magnetic field and implementation of magnetic systems into dynamic applications.

In his pedagogical work, he focuses on topics related to the construction of machines, especially in the field of spinning machines and machines for the production of nanofibers. He is currently guarantor of four subjects and delivers lectures in selected parts of other 8 subjects at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering.

He is author or co-author of more than 40 journal and conference papers and co-author of 8 patents granted by the industrial patent office. As a principal investigator he carried out several research projects related to design of machines for production polymeric nanofibers and nanofibrous structures. He is a member of university research team working on various contract research projects under the Nano Technology Cluster Nanoprogress on R&D of machines and devices for production of nanofibers using DC and AC electrospinning technology and novel nanofiber materials.

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Pro rozšíření znalostí v oblasti mechanických... Gratulujeme všem, krásná práce!!! Letní semestr jsme zakončili tradičně... Prostě tu máme šikovné  a chytré lidi Je nám ctí a o to větší, že mezi oceněnými je... Gratulace!!!!