
LDP Laboratory Rules

  1. Students can use the laboratory for independent work outside the scheduled blocks. Students can borrow the key from department staff providing ID card.
  2. Teachers from the departments of KEZ, KSR, KSA, KTS, KVM has a key to the room available at the department. When leaving the lab is the duty of the teacher to lock the lab!
  3. Person with a key is responsible for order in the laboratory! This person must not leave the laboratory unattended!
  4. Do not switch off the computers during the day! If you finish your job, close all programs, log out of the network and leave the computer turned on. Computers are switched off only when directed by the teacher or supervisior at the end of the day.
  5. Clean or change your shoes before entering!
  6. Drinks and food are strictly prohibited!
  7. Any problem with your computer should be reported immediately to the teacher or supervisor.
  8. Interference in hardware is strictly probibited!
  9. It is prohibited to turn monitors!
  10. Installation of any software or modifications to the operating system and installed software is strictly prohibited! Installing a software for the needs of departments can be arranged with laboratory administrators.
  11. Playing computer games is prohibited!

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