Home For Industry Reference


  • Research and development of the textile machines parts (Rieter CZ a.s., Tonak a.s. etc.)
  • Research and development of equipment for the production of nanofibers (Nano medical s.r.o, Nanoprogress z.s.p.o. a další.)
  • Analysis and modification of the manufacturing equipment (KIMBERLY – Clark a.s. Jaroměř, Tonak a.s. etc.)
  • Development of single-purpose devices (Festtool s.r.o., Jikon-nástrojárna s.r.o., Nanologix s.r.o. apod.)
  • Loose material sampling from the conveyor-belt (Enelex a.s., etc. )
  • Strength and strain analyses (BOSCH DIESEL s.r.o Jihlava, BEHR Czech s.r.o, BRANO Group s.r.o, ELMARCO s.r.o., etc.)
  • Analysis and optimization of the mechanisms (Elbeco Jablonec n. Nis., STEINEL Technik s.r.o., etc.)
  • Elaboration and examination of the design documentation (GCE Chotěboř a.s., STEINEL Technik s.r.o., etc.)

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